Friday, August 12, 2016

Huge Alien Spacecraft Hiding Behind Moon, Insider Reveals

On January 22, 2012, Dr. Norton was called to the MacDonald Observatory in Texas and saw “massive, three dimensional black structures in space, in straight line formation advancing in the direction of planet Earth.
The object seemed to be emitting some sort of force field that deflected space particles from touching their surface, almost like the magnetic field around the earth.
The objects were getting so close that, with our telescopes, we could see the structural features of these things in high detail. They were shaped as a three dimensional “L” shaped craft.

By January 2013, the objects had been tracked to about 200,000 miles past the planet Mars. Once they reached this point, almost instantaneously, the object vanished from our telescope lenses as if they had activated some sort of invisibility shield at the flick of the switch. I knew that the upper echelons of government were worried about these things because I was under a constant 24/7 guard by Secret Service agents.
For nearly the entire year of 2013, we watched the skies in disbelief. We didn’t know what was going on or where these things were. According to my calculations, these things would have been so close to us by now that we would have no problem seeing them in the night sky had they stayed visible to us. We didn’t know if they were still coming or had left the solar system.”
Dr. Norton was sent home and was awaiting additional order, if needed, but had not heard anything else about this situation for approximately 6 months.
Upon all of the commotion around the government shutdown as well as the shutdown of numerous space monitoring programs, Dr. Norton finally made a call to a close friend who he worked with confidentially who told Norton that “the objects reappeared and had repositioned themselves behind the moon” in a circular type of alignment, which allowed them to dock to the backside of the moon in order to remain invisible to skywatchers.
Norton added that the blackout of all space monitoring programs was essential in “keeping the lid on what had happened.”
“We don’t know what they are, what they are doing or what they’re going to do. We do know that there have already been fluctuations in Earth’s gravity field and the gravity field which links the moon to the Earth.”
According to Dr. Norton, if this information were to be revealed to the masses, it would cause a breakdown of all religions as well as the “breakdown of society, itself”.

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